New Formula Now Available!
White Lemon Lightning Surfactant
“The Best Surfactant This Side of the Mississippi”
This product is compatible with sodium hypochlorite and meant to aid in the cleaning process. When applied correctly, it will reduce surface tension and help to loosen organic materials. Surfactants are molecules that reduce the surface tension of water, helping to spread it out more uniformly. Surfactants make water “wetter”. They also help penetrate, loosen and trap soils so as to allow you to clean well, not just move dirt from place to place. This product is meant to be used in all soft wash applications including roof shampoo, house washing, exterior gutter cleaning, concrete cleaning, and more! The recommended dilution ratio is one gallon surfactant to 15 parts water.This product comes in one gallon containers and has a delicious lemon scent and color.
Please allow 7 days for shipping.
Shipping not available to CA, AK, or HI
Click on this link to get the White Lemon Lightning